Monday, October 20, 2008

Twilight Addiction

Hello Twilight fans!

I know I said I would never write on this blog again but over the course of the last couple months I have got intrigued by a series of books known as the "Twilight Saga," by Stephanie Meyer. There are 4 books published, the first "Twilight," second "New Moon," third "Eclipse," and the fourth, "Breaking Dawn." Stephanie Meyer has also posted 264 pages of a mirrored book of Twilight called "Midnight Sun."
The "Twilight Saga" is a story about a normal teenage girl, Bella, who moves to Forks, Washington to live with her father and Bella ends up falling in love with a vampire Edward. When I first heard about these books I thought it sounded ridiculous but after the first chapter of Twilight I was hooked. I recommended the book to a few people and then continued my addiction with the other 3 books. I never read a series that fast. After recommending the book to a few people I found that they were all getting addicted as well.
To me, I started to read "Twilight" during a really difficult time. I was able to consume myself in these books to keep my mind busy. I got wrapped up in the fantasy of being Bella. It was a good distraction for me and almost like therapy.

Other discussions to follow: Edward vs. Jacob....But we will get to take in a different post. :)

So with this first post I would like to discuss what is the appeal of "Twilight" to others that have read it and why do you think it's so addicting??


Carrie said...

Gosh, what makes Twilight so appealing and addictive? I can't put my finger on one thing. Stephenie describes things so well. Bella seems like an everyday girl. Edward is HOT. We're all attracted to the "bad guy" and hope he really is a good guy at heart.... at that's Edward.

Becky said...

You are totally right. At first Edward fits that "bad boy" image. It's so hot and the fact that he turns out to be a good guy and totally in love with Bella just makes the story attractive. I love the way Stephanie describes everything especially the attraction between Bella and Edwards, it's HOT.

Cheri Lynn said...

I loved that Edward was so amazing and could not live without an every day girl with no special abilities... it gives us all hope to be plain jane and amazing guys can fall in love with us! I mean I think all of us dream of the day the hottest guy in school only pays attention to us! Bella is a great selfless character... I was always a fan of Jacob, but like you said, that is for another Blog! ha ha

Anonymous said...

I guess what got me addicted was that there was always so much excitment in Bella's life. When reading these books it gives so much detail that i feel like I am actually there. Plus the love they have for eachther is so amazing. It makes me jealous! And like Becky said reading these books and getting involved makes you forget about all the stress thats going on in our lives. It lets us live in a fantasy for a while!

Becky said...

That is such a great point. I remember getting crushes on the HOT Guy in high school and wishing that he would talk to me. I think reading these books and it actually happened to Bella is motivating to all girls that it could happen. There is more to people then just the surface. I like that Bella gets there is more to Edward then his beautiful face.

Kim said...

I honestly felt like I was Bella sometimes reading Twilight. Just the way Stephenie described the way Bella felt. It was like her emotions became my emotions. The anticipation of learning more about Edward. He seemed so dark and mysterious. Every chapter leaved me wanting more. The books(s) were just a distraction for me....almost my own fairy tale. The passion between Edward and Bella was just insane. And I say that in a good insane way. Reading the book just reminded me of what it use to feel like when you first fall hard for someone. Made me feel like a high school girl again! Falling in love with the jock/bad boy. Waking up each day with excitement just to see "him". The book was my escape from reality; gave me something to look forward to.

Jody said...

I become addicted to Twilight because of how Bella and Eward responded to each other. Bella thought of herself as plain and yet there wasn't anything about her that Edward didn't love. Edward thought of himself as a monster and yet he never gave Bella anything but the feeling of security. I got caught up their world needing to read the next page because I had to know how the fairytale was going to end. I had to know how their love was going to continue..he couldn't change who he was and he refused to want to change her to become a part of his world..and yet I couldn't picture them not together. They were perfect for each other giving something to one another that they didn't even realize they were missing until they found each other. Stephenie Meyers also added a lot of wonderful outside elements to the story that gave it enough layers of humor and suspense. I was so engrossed with the books that I was almost sad that when I had finished them.